Free "Internet Addiction: How To Stop Wasting Your Time In Front Of Your Computer And Start To Live A More Fulfilled Life The Real World [Kindle Edition]" Amazon

Ah the internet, when did we become so dependent on it? It's such a key part of our lives that people have mistaken as a replacement for reality.
I know what they say, the future is all on the net and such.. and I'm not here to argue that, I'm not going to tell you to stop using the internet altogether, but what I am going to show you is how your internet addiction is taking a toll on your happiness and your well being, instead of enhancing it.
If you find yourself spending hours everyday navigating through garbage information that doesn't enhance your life, this book is for you. If you feel like you spend a lot of time in front of your computer yet you aren't really accomplishing anything, then this book is for you.
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