The Must-Have Guide For Learning to Live By Your Own Terms, Even If Everyone Around You Wants to Control You
This is the hilarious and illuminating guide for people who are trying to develop better boundaries with difficult people. Impossible to please without going crazy, some people will pry, nag, pressure, and judge until their victim has caved. People with poor boundaries often do not realize that they have done nothing wrong given that they often feel so guilty. By learning to have better boundaries, people can protect their free time, say no to things they do not like, deal with difficult in-laws, relatives, coworkers, bosses, employees, spouses, children, neighbors, and friends.
Author Tess M. Stevens spent much of her life being judged and slandered and then guilt tripped about her “disloyalty” to these same people. Disloyal acts included: having other friends, having a job, taking time to exercise and shower, sleeping more than six hours, not doing other people's homework, refusing to end friendships that were not personally approved by the guilt-tripper, getting married, having children, naming those children herself, and doing only her own housework.
The Must-Have Guide For Learning to Live By Your Own Terms, Even If Everyone Around You Wants to Control You
This is the hilarious and illuminating guide for people who are trying to develop better boundaries with difficult people. Impossible to please without going crazy, some people will pry, nag, pressure, and judge until their victim has caved. People with poor boundaries often do not realize that they have done nothing wrong given that they often feel so guilty. By learning to have better boundaries, people can protect their free time, say no to things they do not like, deal with difficult in-laws, relatives, coworkers, bosses, employees, spouses, children, neighbors, and friends.
Author Tess M. Stevens spent much of her life being judged and slandered and then guilt tripped about her “disloyalty” to these same people. Disloyal acts included: having other friends, having a job, taking time to exercise and shower, sleeping more than six hours, not doing other people's homework, refusing to end friendships that were not personally approved by the guilt-tripper, getting married, having children, naming those children herself, and doing only her own housework.
The author idiotically spent decades trying to please people whose favorite pastime was looking at whatever she was doing and assigning a nefarious motive to it. One day, she stumbled upon a cache of things written about her between several of the power players in her circle. Upon seeing that she was considered everything from a neglectful parent to the unwitting wife of a closeted man, she finally understood what her “boundaries mentor” had been saying to her for more than a decade: their judgment had nothing to do with her. The accusations were literally not founded on reality, they were just entertainment for judgmental people to pass around.
After spending a week feeling like she had been sucker-punched, Stevens started putting up boundaries that should have been in place long before. She stopped explaining herself, apologizing for imperfections, and doing things for other people that they should have been doing for themselves. In short, she stopped living her life like a spineless jellyfish. If she could do it, so can anyone else.
If you are tired of living your life by terms set by people who clearly do not have your best interests at heart: this book is for you.
If you are tired of being exhausted by the demanding, ungrateful, and entitled people in your life: this book is for you.
If you want to have time for yourself, peace in your home, good friends, and no dram this book is for you.
On the other hand
If you prefer to labor under the delusion that you are going to “ruin” your relationships if you stand up for yourself: do not read this book. It will force you to see the truth of these relationships and of your participation in their unhealthy dynamic.
If you enjoy drama and endlessly wondering why “you are always there for people who are never there for you”: do not read this book.
This highly organized guide will give you dozens of scripts and methods that you need to stop acting like a jellyfish and start living with dignity. After years of being a people-pleaser, you may need help finding the words you need. This guide will show you how to find the words to protect yourself. Life is too short to let boundary violators suck you dry. Take the first step toward freedom today.
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